Our concept of human rights is based on two core values: the first is human dignity and the second is equality. Human rights can be understood as defining the basic norms necessary to live with dignity, and their universality follows from the fact that, at least in this, all people are equal. We should not and cannot single out anyone here. In essence, to accept the concept of human rights, it is enough just to recognize these two beliefs or values, and hardly anyone will argue with them. That is why human rights are supported by all world cultures, all civilized governments and all major religions. It is almost universally recognized that the power of the state cannot be unlimited or arbitrary, but must be limited by the need to provide at least minimal conditions to all who are under its jurisdiction so that they can live with a sense of humanundefined dignity.
Many others can be derived from these two basic values, and with their help it is possible to determine more precisely how people and societies should coexist in practice. For example:
Freedom: because the human will is an important part of human dignity. The compulsion to do something against our will degrades the human personality.
Respect for others: because the lack of respect for others does not allow to appreciate their individuality and their human dignity.
Inadmissibility of discrimination: since the equality of people in human dignity means that we cannot judge the rights and opportunities of people based on their physical or other characteristics.
Tolerance: Because intolerance indicates a lack of respect for difference, and equality does not mean sameness or uniformity.
Justice: because people who are equal in their belonging to the human race deserve to be treated fairly.
Responsibility: Because respect for the rights of others undefined assumes the responsibility of each person for his actions and requires from him efforts aimed at realizing his rights and the rights of all people.